About the Choir

Boys Choir of Springfield (BCS) is a TUITION FREE, auditioned ensemble of boys, grades 3-12, with exceptional vocal talent. Positive role models lead the boys within this challenging musical environment in order to develop each member’s talent as well as to help them grow spiritually and personally. Membership in BCS is not limited by social status, race, or economics. As an organization, boys share their gifts in a variety of venues that encourage others to become involved in our community through the power of music.

Past Special Performances

  • Isabel’s House – Tree Lighting Ceremony Annual Fundraiser (2018, 2019)
  • Featured in a presentation of Verde’s Otello by the Springfield Regional Opera (2017)
  • Vaughn Williams Hodie with the Missouri State University Grand Chorus and Symphony at Juanita K Hammons Hall (2014)
  • Springfield Symphony Christmas Concerts, also at Juanita K. (2014)
  • Featured on a PBS Special hosted by Du Du Fisher of Israel (2013)
  • Performed at the 75th anniversary of Missouri Music Educators Association (MMEA) Conference (2013)


Our Partners

We thank all of our partners for their generous support!



All of our students participate on a tuition-free basis, thanks to numerous scholarships provided by people just like you. A one-year scholarship, including uniform and music for one student, can be purchased for a very reasonable amount. Please consider providing the gift of music!


We depend on your financial support to continue the work of the Boys Choir of Springfield. All donations are tax deductible. The BRAVO COMPANY is our membership club for the many donors who've graciously supported us financially over the years.